Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Super 7 Grab Bag Winner and Winner of the free "The Way" pendant!

Hi everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone again for all of the support for this site! I've gotten so many emails and comments from everyone and I totally appreciate ALL of them. Also, it was a pleasure meeting and hanging out with a lot of you for the Finale weekend. I can't say how flattering it was to see one of my posters framed and hung at Comixguru's place! I had a blast through this whole experience!

Anyways, without further adieu, the winner of my final swag giveaway is:
Ryan Brenner!
Congrats Ryan! I'll send you an email with further details.

In addition, Thanh Ngu did a drawing to win a free "The Way" pendant (which is now SOLD OUT) and the winner is:
Martin S!
Congrats Martin! I'm told that Martin has already been contacted by Thanh. 

This is NOT my last post. Over the next couple of weeks, I will post some drawings that I did that never made it into posters. I will also be posting a promised downloadable hi-res version of my second print, "The Exit", for anyone that would like to print a copy for themselves (although there are still a few copies of the screen-print available here). Lastly, I'm still getting requests for a second printing of "System Failure", so I need to go back and review whether I will be doing the second printing and if so, I will announce it soon (and probably post a picture of the proposed second edition colors).


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Guest Reveal 6 - Answer!

The answer for the last guest reveal is:

The clue is solved by typing the numbers on the computer screen on a cellphone keypad. The movement of your finger on the keypad for each sequence of numbers will SPELL out a letter. The entire clue spells THATSNOTJOHNLOCKEDOTCOM.

I will post the winner of the giveaway for this reveal within roughly 24 hours. Along with that, I will also post the winner of the giveaway for "The Way" by Thanh Ngu.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Final Guest Artist!! Guest Reveal 6!

RING RING! Hello? Oh, hey everyone! Sorry that I'm posting this a few hours late! Anyways, here is the clue for guest reveal 6! This will be the FINAL Guest Reveal and Giveaway! Sadly, after this, I don't have any more giveaway items or Guest Artists lined up. And with the show coming to an end, I think this is an appropriate time to throw in the towel. I will still be doing a couple more posts, but this is the last of the wonderful artists that I've had the honor of featuring.

He's put together what I think is a difficult clue. If you can possibly figure this out and email the answer to my by the end of Tuesday, May 25th PST, you will be entered into a random drawing for an exclusive figure (non-LOST) from the DCAAPB Super 7 event! I will post pictures of this soon.

Click the above image to see it larger. 
And there might be an additional clue or two hidden in this post itself if you look closely.

Short Disclaimer:
The site that this clue leads to is not owned, maintained or run by me. The guest artist owns the URL and is responsible for any content or activities that take place there. I am just posting the clue for him.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DJ AM Button and Chang Napkin Winners!

And the winners are....

Lisa for the DJ AM Button!

Alex Federman for the Chang Napkin!

Congrats to the winners! I will contact you soon by email.

Also, within 24 hours I will be releasing another Guest Artist's clue! This will be my final guest artist and swag give away, so stop by and check it out!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Guest Reveal 5!

Sorry, I wasn't able to get a clue together this time, so I'm just posting the link. This is an awesome piece by my best friend in the world, Thanh Ngu. It's VERY limited. Only 10 will be produced!

Anyone that simply emails me ( the name of the piece by the end of Sunday the 16th of May PST will be entered in a random drawing. There will be 2 winners: one will get a Pierre Chang Napkin and one will win a DJ AM Dharma Button - both were given away at DCAAPB events! These will be 2 separate drawings. Please email me which item you'd like to win. Only 1 entry per person.

In addition to this, one purchaser of Thanh's piece will be randomly selected by her to recieve the piece for FREE. She will handle the drawing for this and post it on You can find more details there.


Short Disclaimer:
The site that this clue leads to is not owned, maintained or run by me. The guest artist owns the URL and is responsible for any content or activities that take place there. 

Yet Another New Guest Artist Release and Giveaway!

Hey everyone! Within 24 hours, I will post another guest artist release and I will be giving away my last Pierre Chang Napkin as well as a very rare DJ AM Dharma button, both from the DamonCarltonAndAPolarBear poster release events! Due to my job being crazy busy right now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a clue together for this one, but I'll try. This release comes from my best friend in the world, and fellow Lostie! She's created a wearable piece of art and it is VERY limited, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Widmore Board Winner!

Sorry for the delay with this, but here is the winner for the Widmore Publishing Board! Below are the names of the people that solved the puzzle and sent me the correct answer. I used a random winner picker to randomize the order and pick a name. (If your name appears below, and you'd like some or all of your name blurred out, please email me and let me know)

Congrats Cristina! I will contact you by email to get you your prize!

Also, within the next week or so, I have another guest artist lined up! This time the art is something wearable but a very limited edition! Stay Tuned and don't forget that you can subscribe to my RSS feed or follow the blog for instant updates! Just use the menu on the right hand column of this page.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Guest Reveal 4 - Answer!

Below is the puzzle explained by the artist himself, drMikey. You can click the images to see them full sized. This is your spoiler warning in case you'd still like to solve the puzzle yourself!


1. The compass IS the key. The spiral in the upper right corner with the alphabet indicates that you need to place the alphabet around the compass in a clockwise fashion, starting with east. AIQY -> E indicates that you are on the right track if you end up with AIQY on your east line. What does this mean? This code is what you need to unravel. Each pair is a direction and distance from center. So E2 = East 2 = I. SW3 = SouthWest 3 = T, Etc. You find

2. Just a standard jigsaw puzzle here. The final result  is one of Rousseau's maps of the island.

3. A new puzzle forms. The compass can be dragged around, turning transparent when you click it. The original url appears on the bottom, followed by a code for the rest of the url, what comes after the slash. Clues appear on the left to tell you that...

 4. This puzzle uses the same key as the first one. When the compass is placed over a Dharma station, it jumps to one of the 8 primary directions and one red dot turns white on the compass needle. Using the same code... Flame = NW2 = NorthWest 2 = N. Swan = N2 = North 2 = O. Etc... you find nonotthroughthepool.These two pieces are Richard Alperts two one-line zingers. The final url is where you will find the print of none other than Richard Alpert!

Hope you enjoyed the puzzle! All credit for it goes to drMikey!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guest Reveal 4!

This is the fourth Guest Artist reveal! This is the first part of a multi-part puzzle created by the guest artist. Solving this will lead to a new URL and the next part of the puzzle. Feel free to discuss the puzzle and work together (you may need to) in the comments, but please do not post the answer.

The first 5 people to solve this and purchase the print will receive a FREE Tawaret mini-bust sculpted by the guest artist! Each is hand sculpted and completely unique, with artists signature and a unique number on the bottom. Flat on the bottom so it can stand on its on. Made from Super Sculpey polymer clay. Your very own 4-toed statue! Only without the toes, since its only the top half… Limit 1 per household / paypal account. Only 5 are being given away right now, so please don’t be greedy. Scroll down to see an image of the bust.

In addition, I will be giving away a "Widmore Publishing" comic backing board (originally given away during an "official" promotion in Glasgow). If you would like to be entered to win this, you must solve the puzzle and email me the web address and title of the artwork. No purchase is necessary to be entered to win the backing board. I will pick a random name from the list of people that email me with the correct answer in the next 72 hours. 

The Clue:
click the image to see it full sized

Tawaret Mini-Bust:

Widmore Publishing Board:

Short Disclaimer:
The site that this clue leads to is not owned, maintained or run by me. The guest artist owns the URL and is responsible for any content or activities that take place there. The guest artist is also responsible for the mini-bust creation and giveaway. I am just posting the clue for him.

Special thanks to Jo from for the "Widmore Publishing" board!

New Guest Artist Release and Giveaway!

This evening, I will be posting a new guest artist clue. The artist really out-did himself with the clue, and this is the most creative and interactive one we've had. I will also be doing a giveaway with this release for a "Widmore Publishing" comic backing board. There might be another (really awesome) surprise, but I won't know until close to the clue release. But believe me, you'll want to check back at the site this evening (PST) to see what we have in store.

UPDATE: Ok, so the artist went all out and is going to offer an extra super-awesome prize to the first people that solve the clues and purchase. These will be given to at least the first 5 people to purchase. In addition, I will be giving away the "Widmore Publishing" board randomly to one person that emails me the answer to the clue (no purchase necessary).

Check back at the site tonight for the clue! Bring your thinking caps!

UPDATE 2: The release will be at 4PM PST (7PM EST) in order to avoid any conflict with tonight's episode!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Making of "The Exit"

I apologize that I didn't get this up when promised. Anyways, here was the process that I went through to create my newest poster, "The Exit". You can click any of the images below to see them larger.

I knew that I wanted to depict the "donkey wheel" and had a rough idea of what the image would look like, but I wanted to explore a few different layouts. I brainstormed a number of quick thumbnails to see what was working. I thought about making a glow in the dark poster again - the area where the wheel comes though the wall would glow (like it does when the wheel is turned) and you would basically see a silhouette of the wheel with the lights out (These are the ones on the left and bottom middle). However, I really want my posters to hold their own in normal light and the wheel by itself was looking a bit boring.  Also, if I do a gimmick in a poster, I want it to conceptually have a reason and not just be for the sake of doing a gimmick, so in the end I decided against the glow. I also thought about maybe doing the "xray" image, but I thought showing the wheel and the exit worked better as a layout and chose to move forward with that idea. I did the center sketch first, then tried a slight variation (2nd row, right side) where there was just a solid line cut instead of blending the wall with the hills. I also tried another variation (bottom right) where steam was rising and you could see the desert image in the steam.

Once I decided on the center sketch as a layout, I sketched out the idea on 8.5" x 11" paper. I used a couple of images for reference (I'm sure you can find which ones if you look), but I altered them to fit my layout.

I scanned the sketch and traced it using a ball-point pen to get clean lines. I tried it in felt pen first, but the lines were coming out too thick, so I switched to ball-point. I also like ball-point pens more because they feel more like using pencil - my preferred medium. 

I again scanned the inks and this time printed them at 11" x 17". I went in and filled in the blacks using a sharpie marker. I also added finer details mostly in the sand and the wall. 

At this point I was pretty satisfied with how it looked, so I scanned the finished image one last time. Once I had the image in the computer, I began the coloring process. First, I laid down some basic flat colors. I started work on the ground on the bottom half of the composition first. I wanted it to have a lot of texture to keep your eye interested.

Next, I worked on the textures for the wheel and the wall. I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to handle the sky, so I explored a couple of ideas. I thought the idea below didn't fit the textural feel that I was going for. It also distracted from the rest of the piece.

Once I was happy with the sky, I moved on to texturing the desert. Lastly I played with the colors to try to balance the top half and the bottom half more. Below is one of the color explorations. I was playing with making the colors a lot more vibrant.

In order to mesh the top and bottom halves together better, I added warmer tones to the poster overall. And here's the final product.

In the final prints, I thought it lost some of it's depth, so I personally went in and touched up each and every poster by hand. And that's the process!

Thanks to everyone for the support and for making "The Exit" another success! If you haven't picked up a copy, there are still some available at!

Also, I will be doing another giveaway soon. Following that, we have a really great release from one of my personal favorite fan artists! Check back soon!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Art So Far

The artwork here was created by fans and for fans. We wanted to share our inspired interpretations and give back to one of the best group of fans around. 

The first 2 posters were created by me. The rest of the art was created by other fan artists in the online community and released through this site. The sites linked here are all owned and run by the respective artist.

My Posters:


Guest Artist's Sites:
(These sites are owned and run by the artists, not me)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Giveaway - Original Art For "The Exit"!

Hey everyone! As promised, I'm giving away the original art I did for "The Exit".

I did a random drawing from the list of people that had purchased my poster before March 3rd and the winner is...

Sean Langmuir!

Congrats Sean! You have your choice of the original ball point pen line art or the inked blacks. Please contact me at for more details and to let me know which one you'd like.

There are still more copies of "The Exit" left available at
Also, I will be doing a "making of" this week! Stay Tuned!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Guest Reveal 3 - Answer!

The moon image behind the symbols was the clue to lead you to what the symbols mean. The symbols are called "Moon Type" and were once an alternative to Braille. Visit the URL below to see the new guest artist print!

Short Disclaimer:
The site that this link leads to is not owned, maintained or run by me. The guest artist owns the URL and is responsible for any content or activities that take place there. I am just posting clues for him.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Guest Reveal 3!

This is the third Guest Artist reveal! This will be the only clue and leads you to a new URL. Good Luck!

Short Disclaimer:
The site that this clue leads to is not owned, maintained or run by me. The guest artist owns the URL and is responsible for any content or activities that take place there. I am just posting clues for him.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Swag Giveaway 3 - Answer and Winners!

The code was a Pigpen Cipher. I hid the words "pigpen" and "cipher" in the giveaway description using bold and italic letters. When translated, the answer was "It only ends once"

I received 18 eligible correct answers. I used a random winner picker to randomize the order of the entries and then select the 3 winners. Congratulations to Will, Ana, and Ben! The winners will be contacted by email.

Thanks for all of those that participated! 
Check back here soon - within the next 24 hours I will be posting the clue to find a new guest artist's screen-print! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Swag Giveaway 3!

This giveaway will be for a grab-bag given away at the "Super 7" store event (this is a bag with a few non-lost items that was given away with the Hurley gelskins, but does not include the gelskin) as well as 2 Pierre Chang Napkins from the "44th Ward" event (See the red circled items above). 

I tried to make this puzzle a bit simpler to give more people a chance to win
From the correct answers I receive within 48 hours of this post (Friday 11:33am PST), a winner for each of the 3 prizes will be randomly selected. 

Winners of the previous giveaways will not be eligible to win (but feel free to submit an answer for fun)

Email the answer to Good Luck!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A New Interview and News!

A website called "" did an interview with me about my prints and you can see it here: http:/ Check out their site! It's got some great content and links to some other fantastic artists as well!

In other news, I'm going to be doing a giveaway for some more event swag. I'll try to get it posted either tonight or tomorrow, so stay tuned! In addition, another guest artist will be releasing a new print on my site later this week!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Reveal 2 - Answer!

For those of you that haven't solved the clues or just don't want to, below is the URL. Don't read below if you don't want to be spoiled! The clues are explained below. Let me know what you think of the print in the comments!

The clue "Deems nigh ice room glow" anagrams to "I'm going somewhere cold". I also wanted the anagram phrase to hint at the overall subject matter. This comes from a quote from Ben.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Reveal 2 - Clue 2!

Find the URL. A new print awaits (not official to any Shows, Companies, Networks, or related in any way to any other projects) and the original inked artwork for this print will be given away to one purchaser! The answer and URL will be posted on this site in roughly 24 hours.

Please do not bother any other web sites, or people by calling, visiting, asking questions, etc. You will KNOW when you've solved this correctly. The other URL has the same look as this one.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reveal 2 - Clue 1!

Find the URL. A new print awaits (not official to any Shows, Companies, Networks, or related in any way to any other projects) and the original inked artwork for this print will be given away to one purchaser! I will post the second clue tomorrow. The answer and URL will be posted on this site a day or so after that.

Please do not bother any other web sites, or people by calling, visiting, asking questions, etc. You will KNOW when you've solved this correctly. The other URL has the same look as this one.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Update!!! ...Finally

Hey everyone, sorry again for the lack of updates. I've been working my butt off and I wanted to let you all know that I've got a few new guest artists lined up, some more giveaways, as well as a new poster from me. 

I plan on releasing the clues to find my new poster on the night of Feb. 2 after I finish watching my favorite TV show :)  I will hold a random drawing for the purchasers of my poster and this time I will give away the original line drawing for the new poster! Also, those that bought my last poster (and those that requested a second printing) will get an email from me with the clues a couple hours before I post them. As a thank you, I wanted to give previous buyers a chance at first dibs. The print run is a little higher this time though, so everyone will still have a chance to get the new poster.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

System Failure - SOLD OUT

System Failure has officially Sold Out. If you are interested in a second edition printing, email me and let me know. I would need around 18 people in order to justify a second edition. Also, the colors will be different and have more earth tones.

As promised, you can also download High-Resolution images of this poster to print your own. 
Color Version or Simulated Glow Version

Thanks SO much for the support. I will be doing a second poster and should have more info on it soon. 

Don't forget to check out the other artist's work at and!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Silence

I apologize for the lack of posts recently, I've been busy working on my next poster as well as hunting for a new apartment, but don't worry - I've still got plenty more planned for this site! Check back at this site later this week for updates.

Also, if you're interested in contributing to the site, email me. I'm looking for more guest releases - even if you're not looking to sell anything and just want to show your art. 

Thanks for all the support and kind words from everyone! It's really made this worthwhile so far!

Oh, and I've only got about 5 copies of my first poster left as of this posting. If you would like to purchase one before they're gone, visit: 

*thanks to Zort at He is doing a giveaway including a copy of my poster, so check it out!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Timebomb Of Responsibility

Tim S. (Our first guest artist) wanted me to remind everyone that he still has skate decks available at

He also asked me to point out that he has many different stains available. You can see them on his site here.

Check them out!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

And the Winner is...

The winner of the free Swan print is Michelle K!

I used a random winner picker for the drawing. You can click on the image below to see it. I numbered everyone that ordered and used their initials to reference the names, then I randomized the order and the program selected a random name from that.

Congrats Michelle!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Guest Reveal 2 - Answer!

Here's the answer for the 2nd of our Guest Artist reveals! Scroll down to see the URL.


As a side note, for those of you that purchased "System Failure", I will be doing the drawing for the free Swan print tomorrow. So check back tomorrow around 3pm PST if you've purchased one. If you'd still like to get a copy of "System Failure" and be eligible for the Swan print drawing, there are only a few left so check out
There are more details about the drawing there! Good Luck!

Edit: I will have to do the drawing around 5PM. I have to run some errands, sorry!!